School Overview

Larbert High School is a six year, non-denominational comprehensive school, providing the full range of secondary education for both girls and boys.

The roll of the school for session 2024 - 2025 totals 2057 pupils.

Information about enrolment is normally channelled through our associated primary schools with whom we have very regular contacts.

Parents of children out with the school catchment area wishing to enrol their child at Larbert High School should, in the first instance, apply to Falkirk Council’s Children’s Services. More information on this can be found on the school admissions section of the Falkirk Council website.

The school motto – Optimum sequi (follow the best course in all things) lies at the heart of all that we do and our aims reflect the values and educational philosophy of our school. 

School Aims and Values

Our school policy is to promote belief and respect for the values of others, together with an appreciation of cultures within our society. This will encourage equality of opportunity and the elimination of discrimination on the grounds of race, gender, class, religion, disability and sexual orientation.

We do this via the school curriculum by rejecting racism, sexism and other discrimination and by developing a welcoming and understanding climate in classrooms, where learning is not inhibited by antagonism or disrespect for anyone’s background. We ensure that all pupils have access to a variety of materials and that they are aware of the needs of individuals and groups.

In the informal curriculum, the school has an ethos in which all people are encouraged to develop positive attitudes and are given a definite sense of self-identity and self-respect. We are a community which promotes acceptance of others and rejects prejudice. The atmosphere in the school encourages everyone to have an empathy with individuals’ disabilities or weaknesses. Our school is multicultural – both in character and philosophy. To access our Anti Bullying Policy please visit the school website.

All pupils are encouraged to take a balanced view of life, to be able to weigh up opposing arguments and make decisions based on fact and respect, rather than prejudice.


The council is required to work towards advancing equality of opportunity for all people and to foster good relations between people. The council is committed to eliminating discrimination on the grounds of race, sex, disability, sexual orientation, religion/belief, age, marriage or civil partnership, transgender status, pregnancy/maternity or poverty.

Children’s Services has a range of policies and procedures to address equalities issues specific to education to enable us to fulfil these duties. In addition to this all education establishments have a responsibility to report incidents of identity-based bullying.

United in Purpose

United in Purpose is our common vision statement which is adopted across the Larbert Cluster, in all schools and all establishments.  Every change we make or decision we take relates back to this: how will it improve our lives, community or world?

United in Purpose was devised in 2012 and updated in 2017.  Our visual shows that we put our young people at the heart of everything we do.  Every school and nursery across the Larbert Cluster is represented as are all curricular areas.  It shows the journey from 3 – 18.

We think it’s a powerful way to show what we’re all about, it was highly commended by HMIe Inspectors in January 2017, and it’s nice and easy for everyone to remember!