A Foreword from the Director of Education
Session 2025-2026
This handbook contains a range of information which we hope will be of interest to you and your child. It offers an insight into the life and ethos of the school, along with advice and assistance to support and engage you in your child’s education.
Falkirk Council is committed to partnering with parents to enhance involvement in their children's education and the broader school community. One of the most effective ways to engage is by joining the school's Parent Council. Parent Councils are independent bodies that collaborate with schools to improve education and foster strong home-school partnerships. By joining a Parent Council, you can voice your ideas, contribute to key decisions, and ensure parents' perspectives shape the school's priorities and activities, ultimately enriching the educational experience for all young people.
Throughout the school year, there will be opportunities to discuss your child's progress with their teacher(s) and through the ‘Progress’ reporting system/app. To stay updated on school activities and news, follow your school's social media accounts, as well as central accounts like @CSCommsFalkirk, @ConnectedFalk, and @falkirkcouncil, where we share important information and success stories.
We are fortunate that the Council supports our ‘Connected Falkirk’ programme, ensuring that all young people from P6 to S6 have their own personal learning device. This allows them to access their learning resources anytime and review the feedback provided by their teachers. Not all young people in the country have their own personal device, so we encourage you to ask your child to show you what they are learning. It is a great way to see how they are progressing and provides a flavour of the work being undertaken.
I took up the post of Director of Education in May 2024 and ensured that during my first few weeks I visited every establishment in our Council area, meeting with staff and young people, and witnessing the excellent work carried out by our dedicated and committed teams. Falkirk is proud of the positive destinations our school leavers achieve and the high levels of attainment across our schools. This success is a testament to the hard work of our young people, the quality of classroom experiences, and the support from teachers and families. I look forward to seeing more of that in the months and years that lie ahead.
School Handbook 2025-2026
I trust that this handbook will provide you with all the relevant information you may need concerning your child’s school. If you have any queries regarding the contents of the handbook, please contact the Head Teacher of your child’s school, who will be happy to offer any clarification required.
Jon Reid
Director of Education
Falkirk Council