LHS Gets Ready - SQA Exams

SP Supported Study Timetable Sept 24.pdf

Online Study Platforms

Google Classroom

This is an online classroom where teachers can share resources, lessons, assignments and video links. It allows you to submit work, discuss learning with classmates, contact the teacher and receive work back from the teacher which has been marked.  

All pupils in the school have been provided with a Google Classroom username and password. In the event of a closure, each curricular area will post a classroom ‘code’ on Twitter so that pupils can access resources. These codes will all be available on the @LarbertHigh Twitter page and the school website.

You can login to Google Classroom by clicking the icon or following the link here.

 Google Classroom Username 

Your own school login@larberthighschool.co.uk

 Google Classroom Password

The default password is Password1 unless you have already logged on and changed it. If you forget your password then email lhsgetsdigital@falkirk.gov.uk so that we can send you a new one.

Google Classroom Codes

You can find all of our codes for Google Classroom virtual learning environments for all classes in the document below.


Pupils studying National 5, Higher or Advanced Higher in the subjects outlined below can access SCHOLAR, which is an online programme created with Heriott-Watt University that provides integrated materials, activities, assessments and revision packs.  

SCHOLAR is available in the following subjects – Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Computing Science, Maths, Art and Design, Business Management, Psychology, English, French, German, Spanish and Mandarin.

Each pupil has been issued with a unique username and password. If you have forgotten this then please speak to your class teacher or Mrs Wilson.

Follow this link to access SCHOLAR materials https://courses.scholar.hw.ac.uk/vle/scholar

Supported Study Programmes

Supported Study

Supported Study or Out of Hours Learning provides additional learning opportunities and support for learners outside the normal timetabled classroom hours. Information regarding current Supported Study opportunities for students sitting examination level subjects can be found on this page. If the subject you are looking for does not feature, please contact those faculties directly for further information.

Small Group Tutoring

In order to give the highest level of support to pupils preparing for SQA exams we are currently engaging around 40 teachers within the school to work with small groups of pupils every week. These sessions will focus specifically on each pupil's needs for development and aims to hone knowledge, skills and exam technique to give the best chance of success. This programme is being funded through the Pupil Equity Fund to enable as many pupils to reach their potential through bespoke tutoring from hand-picked subject specialists. Research evidence suggests that this is one of the most effective strategies to raise attainment amongst pupils within the senior phase.

Family Learning 

Family Learning at Larbert offers parents and carers the opportunity to engage with their child’s learning through fun and exciting programmes developed and lead by our teaching staff.

Programmes in the past have included:

-          The Psychology of Studying

-          Reading is Fun(damental)

-          Becoming a Graphic Design Guru

-          Experiments at Home: They’re not Rocket Science!

-          Sharpen your Skills with Scholar

-          Developing Digital Skills


If there is anything you’d like to see on our latest programme of opportunities please get in touch!