

When applying for an undergraduate course in Scotland you need to apply online through the Universities and Colleges Admissions Centre – also known as UCAS.

The application requires you to provide information about your education and employment as well as a personal statement and a reference, so it’s a good idea to have this information ready before you apply.

The online application form allows you to enter course details for up to five different choices, but there are some restrictions on the combination of courses you can apply for – so make sure you check the UCAS website for details on choices when applying.

There is a fee for making an application and the amount depends upon how many courses and universities you apply for. 

Find out more about UCAS application fees.

The deadlines for applications through UCAS differ depending on what course you are applying for.

Find out more about application deadlines.


Applying to College

If you want to do a school partnership or full time college course at college (any college across Scotland) you will have to go through an application process.

Applying to College

Refer to the following PowerPoint and videos to talk you through the application process step by step to help you stand out from the crowd.

Video - Applying for College Guide

Video - Choosing a College Course

Video - Writing a Personal Statement



College Interview Preparation

Things to Think About

The interview for your college placement is nothing to worry about so long as you have thought about the kind of things you would like to speak about. The interview will be a conversation where you will have the chance to speak about yourself and why you think the college course is right for you.   In order to prepare you should do the following:

On the day of the interview:

Careers and Apprenticeships

Careers Service in School

Skills Development Scotland offers careers advice, guidance and information to pupils in school, and to people of all ages in Scotland. Skills Development Scotland can offer free and impartial advice on education, training, careers and jobs.

We have a dedicated Careers Website set up for Larbert High which highlights local job opportunities and other information to support pupils with their next steps. You can access the website by clicking here.

Ewen Skehan is our Lead Careers Adviser for Larbert High School. Ewen is in school to offer support on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays in Room A201. He can be contacted at

Lynsey McColl is our other Careers Adviser based in school. She is in school on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays and can be found in Room C025. She can be contacted by

Our Careers Advisers offer pupils group sessions, drop-in sessions at lunch and break and face-to-face coaching, where appropriate. This is supported by Scotland’s careers and information web service My World of Work   

We also run a Digital Doorknock service where pupils can book appointments with one of the Career Advisers. They do this by scanning the QR code on the poster displayed here and completing the google form linked here

My World of Work

My World of Work helps you with up-to-date information, advice and tools when you need it most:

 Parent or Carer

As a parent or Carer, you can use My World of Work to access reliable and accurate careers information and advice to help you to support your child through those big career decisions. You can also meet with the school Careers Adviser at Parent’s Evenings, Positive Pathways and Curriculum Review Evenings at Larbert High.


Apprenticeships are an excellent opportunity for young people to build skills and transition into the world of work. If you are considering an apprenticeship or would like more information any of our Careers Advisers will be happy to discuss this with you. You can find out more about apprenticeships and find out about vacancies all over Scotland by visiting

There is also a dedicated Modern Apprenticeship page on our LHS Learner Journeys Website which is regularly updated with opportunities and information. You can find the page here.

Leaving School

Careers Advice and support to access opportunities is also available from Skills Development Scotland for school leavers. We have a dedicated post school team to work with school leavers to help support them with their next steps. Your local Centre is at Forth Valley College, Falkirk Campus, Grangemouth Road, FK2 9AD.  You can drop in between 9-5 Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri and from 10:30am-5pm on a Wednesday or phone 01324 620311 for an appointment.

Post School

The post school service exists to help support young people in their search for work after leaving school. This service is open to anyone who has left school and is free to access. Our Larbert High School post school team are based at Forth Valley College, Falkirk Campus. Contact them on 01324 620311.

Larbert High post school team are:

    Career Coach:  Blane McConnell 01324 354939

        Work Coach: Laura Cameron  01324 354912 

Leaving School

Careers Advice and support to access opportunities is also available from Skills Development Scotland for school leavers. We have a dedicated post school team to work with school leavers to help support them with their next steps. Your local Centre is at 100 Manor Street, Falkirk, FK1 1NU.  You can drop in between 9-5 Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri and from 10:30am-5pm on a Thursday or phone 01324 620311 for an appointment.


Our dedicated Twitter account brings you all the latest news from the LHSJourneys team as well as highlighting employment and skill building opportunities for young people on a local and national level