Climate for Learning Policy
Larbert High School is committed to excellence through the provision of the highest quality experiences for all young people within our school community. Learning and teaching is the core purpose of our school and teachers are our most valued resource. This policy has been designed and written by the Learning and Teaching School Improvement Group, after consultation with pupils and teachers on the features of highly effective learning and teaching. The findings of their consultation confirm that the areas which we are developing in school around active, independent, contextualised learning, high order thinking, the importance of knowing what is to be learned, how success is to be measured with formative written and oral feedback concur with pupil and teachers’ views on what makes learning most effective. This policy captures, therefore, how we as a school plan to achieve and sustain excellence, developed through new models of professional development and drawing on current educational thinking. It also frames how we are developing teachers within the context of Falkirk Council’s strategy for raising attainment and achievement, ‘Learning to Achieve’.