Welcome to Larbert High School


It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to Larbert High's website, which is updated several times a week.  You will find lots of information about the school - if you are a parent, pupil, member of staff or part of our wider community.

We are very proud of our school and keen to tell the world about it. 

During our last inspection, our 'Leadership of change' was evaluated as 'excellent' (Scotland's first 'excellent' in a published Secondary school report under the new framework) and all other evaluations were rated as 'very good' (Learning, teaching & assessment; Ensuring wellbeing, equality & inclusion and Raising attainment and achievement).  We are very proud of this inspection and you can read the report by clicking on the link below.

Our examination results in August 2024, were very strong (with some of our best performances in over 5 years), showing that we are making excellent progress in 'closing the attainment gap' and over the last few years, we've also won a whole host of awards, across a broad range of areas including Parents as Partners in Learning, STEM, sport, sustainable schools and languages (and more!).  These awards are testament to the outstanding work taking place across all of our Faculties which enriches the experience for our young people.

Within our BGE (Broad General Education, S1-3) we offer an 'enhanced experience' through our Academies programme - in Earth Science, Dance, Football, Hospitality, Languages, Media, Sport, STEM, Rock & Pop and Piping & Drumming.

We are determined to ensure that every young person receives the very best at LHS so we're constantly innovating and looking for new ideas to improve our young people's experience.

Please get in touch if we can provide any further information.

Jo Wilson, Acting Rector


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Highlights & Horizons 

Ready, Respectful Successful Video

Larbert High has been delighted to be a charity partner with Strathcarron Hospice since 2019. @LHSCharities for up to date information or if you wish to donate directly, please click the icon

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